
Characters Speech

For our characters speech withing the film we decided to give the actor a topic and the meaning of this topic in the film (why the character is talking about it) and then allow the actor to improvise a natural conversation within the film.

Here are the topics we gave each actor to talk about within the scenes:


Twenty Four Seven Opening Titles 
(Opening Titles research)
As part of my product research I decided to analyse the opening credits of a British Social Realism film: Twenty Four Seven

By researching the opening two minutes of Twenty Four Seven I can use the research to decide upon which titles to put at the start of my film. I can see where and when the titles come up in the opening two minutes and from the research I have found: 
- The Director is shown last
- The film began with the logo of the production company
- The films production companies are mentioned on a black screen at the beginning of the titles

I can also see what different jobs included in the film get shown at the beginning of the film in the opening titles.

I really like this style of titling so I will try and incorporate this style into my opening two minutes.


Opening Titles analysis of Bullet Boy
(opening titles research)
The titles open with the BBC Films logo
It then shows the funding for the film: UK Film Council
"BBC Films and UK Film Council in association with Portman Films
present" fades in from a black screen
After the previous titles fade out the next title fades in on the
 right hand side of the screen

After introducing the films production companies and
funding the cast names them fade in and out

From analysing these titles I can see how they have arranged them compared to Twenty Four Seven. I have found:

The layout isn't the 'typical' layout with the titles appearing 'randomly' on different sides of the screen
Who would be our target audience?

Our target audience for our film is teenagers because the film tackles teenage issues and teenage audience are the highest group of movie watchers.

"Young people aged 15 to 24 are the most likely age group to go to the cinema. In 2002, 50 per cent of this age group reported that they went to the cinema once a month or more in Great Britain, compared with 17 per cent of those aged 35 and over. There has also been a growth in cinema attendance among children. In 2002, over a third of 7 to 14 year olds went to the cinema at least once a month. Of these, almost a tenth were accompanied by a grandparent, and nearly two thirds had been with a friend their own age. Over half of 15 to 34 year olds and almost three quarters of those aged 35 and over who went to the cinema once a month or more went with their partner or spouse."

Mood Board
My Pitch
As part of my planning I conducted a pitch in front of my class with my partner Hannah. The pitch involved: about our film, an over view of our issue: teenage pregnancy, possible locations, possible titles, the narrative structure included and the planning (our storyboard).

It was really useful to gain feedback from the rest of the class because they are our target audience for our film. 
We gained feedback on our possible titles and the general view was 'Seventeen' was the best title for the film.

However during the process of making the film we have thought of more of an appropriate title which fits our story line.
Our chosen title is:




As part of our planning we decided to email the record label of the artist of the song we would like to use: Ellie Goulding 'Every time You Go'. We explained to the company why we would like to use the song and how we wouldn't gain any profit from using the track.

After the company not replying to us we then rang Polydor records to be put through to copyright. After several attempts at getting through the woman in charge of copyright Kate answered and we explained about copyright for our A/S Media coursework. She said it was fine with using the track but she was unable to email us on this day. 

Possible Music:
As part of our opening two minutes we have decided to use background music (non-diegetic sound). The ideas we came up with are recent songs which have been successful in the charts which our target audience of young adults/ teenagers will relate to and recognise. Here are a few ideas we came up with and why we have chosen them:
Kate Nash- Foundations
The lyrics are about a girlfriend being ignored by her boyfriend
 like the storyline of our opening two minutes.

Florence and the Machine-
 Dog days are over
The song has been very successful in the charts in the past year 
so our target audience will recognise it. The song also creates a 
good atmosphere to grasp the audiences attention.
Chasing pavements
The title of the song represents the 
teenage girl in our film constantly chasing after 
her boyfriend.

Opening two minutes Storyboard

This is our storyboard of our opening two minutes. The storyboard shows the camera shots, duration of shots, sound and mise en scene of our opening two minutes which we will follow throughout filming.
Opening two minutes Teenage Pregnancy Mind Map

This is a mind map that me and my partner Hannah created to plan out ideas we had about Teenage pregnancy and what could be shown in our opening two minutes. The mind map includes: issues involved in the film (for both characters), locations which are going to be shown within the opening two minutes, possible titles which we will later ask our class which suits the genre best, characters and their personalities, possible music to be played as non-diegetic sound and finally the narrative structure e.g. the enigma codes we want shown in the opening two minutes.

As Part of my Planning I decided to do a teenage pregnancy brainstorm of different ideas people associate with Tenage Pregnancy. Teenage Pregnancy is the chosen genre/ topic for my opening two minutes of a British Social Realist film. I will try and include these themes withing the first two minutes of my film.

The 180 Degree Rule

To help with filming my opening two minutes of a British Realism Film I have learnt and researched about the 180 degree rule:

When filming if you are going to cross the 180 degree line you need to make sure you show it. If you do so without showing it the filming will not make sense and the audience may become confused.
When filming my Preliminary Task and filming my opening two minutes I will think of this rule so it makes sense.


As part of my planning I created a power point presentation on all the ideas I could use related to the genre British Social Realism: